apparently we live in the most stupid country in the world
this city is very sad today.
this site puts it pretty well i think.
crap, i don't know what to think any more actually...

this city is very sad today.
this site puts it pretty well i think.
crap, i don't know what to think any more actually...
I'm shaking my head. I guess over half the country likes get their hate on and doesn't mind being controlled by a fuckin' Nazi like regime. Let's hope that in four years we'll still be able to vote.
i really could just move to somewhere tropical right now.
what do i care about americans if they're so stupid?
what a horrendous surprise.
i am really ashamed.
This morning I was hoping I'd wake up to a new president that could possibly save my country. I was going to celebrate by eating perogies and getting drunk. Instead I woke up to this and was forced into eating a cold sandwich with a glass of tap water. fuck.
disappointment and shame don't even begin to cover what i feel right now. it should not have even been as close as it was. my daughter thinks that bush hypnotized people to vote for him. she's 8 and she's getting it more than 51 percent of the country.
I'm overjoyed that Bush is still our President. All you guys are so caught up in trying to do the 'trendy' thing by jumping on the Kerry bandwagon.
Aww...everyone's so concerned with the well-being of the poor Iraqi's. Give me a break. I'd rather have our country go over there kicking ass full steam ahead and assure my safety that wonder what might have happened if Saddam was still in power. It makes me so mad when people are so concerned with the war. It's like, yeah the act of war sucks, but we have to keep on keepin on. Everyone is so concerned with the Americans dying. Yes, it's bad, but you know what? When all the men and women of the armed forces signed up for the military, they KNEW that could be a possibility, so I don't even want to hear it. And by the way, I have a brother in the Marines and a stepfather in the National Guard, and yes I still feel this way even though I have family involved. No one held a gun to their heads and said SIGN UP NOW. Do you people get it? It was a choice!!! They knew what they were possibly getting themselves into, so all the Kerry supporters who say we need to stop the war, there's no way in hell that John Kerry would have the nuts to stop it as soon as he takes office. And if he had been elected President, that would have given terrorists a field day. I feel pretty goddamn safe with Dubya in the white house. Can't say the same for Kerry, and I am glad that the rest of America feels the same way. Why would this country want to 'chance' a new commander in chief when we are in a war, when terrorism has reached new heights, etc? This country is the best and I hope all the musicians, actors, and some of my professors who said they would move to Canada if Kerry got elected actually move there! Good! Get the hell out! Let me help you pack you stuff! BUH-BYE!
And all I can say for Michael Moore is that he is an ignorant fuck who can go SUCK IT!
Damn, freedom of speech is the best, no?
Thanks for your time.
that fella is an idiot on way too many levels.
Anthony, thank you for agreeing with me that Michael Moore IS an idiot. I know you were'nt referring to me because I am FEMALE. cya!
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oh goodness, that WAS rude of me to assume that you were a guy, "anonymous". i won't do that again.
so, i take it all back...god bless our newly reappointed full steam ahead ass-kickin'est prez!!! he obviously WILL protect us from all the scary bad guys! just like he did last time.
i don't know what i was thinking being all "trendy" by not standing behind our very top notch leader. maybe it's just living too close to williamsburg for too long that's finally started to affect my behavior. thanks for finally helping me to see the light. indeed, why shake up this spot-on administration who have so elegantly brought us into this magnificent golden age?
i agree, anthony .... why was i also soooo blind as to jump on that "kerry bandwagon?" instead i think i'll have blind faith to believe EVERYTHING that i'm told by Fox "news," no matter what proof comes out. i think i'll accuse people of being against the troops when really they are against the reasons behind the war. i think i'll follow a "war prezdint" who, while fighting for homeland security abroad, won't even keep our police and firefighters employed stateside. i think the she-nonymous is RIGHT ON. i think i want to belong to a political party that hijacks every opportunity, catchphrase and catastrophe for their own political gain; i want to be the MORAL RIGHT. the same moral right who brought us declining jobs, suffering wages and outsourced jobs, to just name a few. you know, economic trouble really bring families together! i want to be part of the MORAL RIGHT because i want to be damn sure that no boys will kiss boys and no girls will kiss girls and if they do, then they should sure as hell have no legal rights. why stop there? why not just take away their right to own property? the last thing we need is a group of people being in long-term, monogamous relationships! why, that would be against our morals!
okay, sarcastically-toned rant is complete. and there is no way for me to adequately respond to the fact that the anonymous gal wrote "Cya" at the end of her comment. how hard is it to write "see ya" properly?
Response to supadupagirl:
First off, I don't even get Fox "news" as you put it, only NBC. And I would never be swayed just by things I saw on TV or in a movie like so many Kerry fans were when Fahrenheit 9/11 came out. It's called editing, people, look into it. It's where the film's producer can cut and insert images and/or text to make anything true. I saw Fahrenheit 9/11, and besides the fact that I was nauseated by the sound of Moore's nasal, whiny voice narrating the whole thing, I thought it was funny in the fact that he expected people to believe everything in it. Sorry but I (like the rest of America, obviously) am rock solid in my beliefs and can't be swayed. Nice try, though.
Next issue: Gay Marriage. You don't even know how I feel about it so don't categorize me into this "moral right" you refer to. I, in fact, did vote FOR same-sex marriage. I have no problem with it. I'm actually quite a contradiction to what the typical Republican is. I'm a conservative, Catholic, straight female. Yet I 'm all for gays marrying each other. Why deny them that? I don't see what the big deal is. So don't lump me into that category of Republicans who oppose gay marriage.
The main reason I voted for Dubya is because he's pro-life. John Kerry is a baby killer and would have passed the partial-birth abortion act. Killing a child after it's partially delivered?! I'm really surprised that you, supadupagirl, would back John Kerry so vehemently since you're a parent and all...
I don't fit the normal mold of conservatives--I'm female for one, and they are almost always pro-choice. Not this chica. I'm also majoring in Art in college, and usually artists are liberals. Am I right? So please, understand that there are exceptions and I am not the typical cookie cutter conservative. I agree with some things that John Kerry has to say, but more with what Bush has to say. That's all.
Oh, and as long as we're critiquing each others grammatical errors, and how I wrote 'cya', now it's my turn. CAPITAL letters begin each sentence. Thanks.
Dear Cya,
I just have to pop in here and say that as a Catholic, aren't you opposed to the death penalty? Perhaps you know that Bush is a big supporter of it and even been criticized for mocking a woman who was on death row. Look it up. What about the Christian view on universal healthcare and poverty? And by the way, what did Bush even do in his first term to end abortion rights? I can tell you this, abortions went up, not down during Bush's first term.
That's all--A fellow Catholic woman
anthony-- sorry your blog has become a "battleground" between me (supporter of a babykiller) and the non-cookie cutter republican -- but here's my last rant:
i am a parent. and a liberal. and a supporter of john kerry because, unlike dubya, he does support family values; what's valuable about creating no child left behind but not funding it? i've seen hundreds of teachers let go in my school district b/c of values; i can't believe that, in today's world, people's votes will be only on the basis of "baby-killing." do i personally like the idea of it? who does??? wouldn't we all rather see other things, like adequate birth control education and sex education as opposed to options of last resort?
but why is it that republicans (not you, though, as you are not the cookie cutter republican) care so much about the baby before they are born but they couldn't care less once it's out in the world?
okay, i'm done. (and i still don't capitalize my sentences, so there.)
thanks for the posting space, dear anthony!
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