
Friday, October 08, 2004

the request line is open

so i was thinking that maybe i'd try an experiment.

if any of you's out there has anything that you'd like me to report on/go to/take pictures of here in nyc, now's the time to ask. i will try my best to post something for you.

now for some random thoughts:

1.) the other night i listened to 7 o'clock sucker AND micah scott's album 'about amber' while walking around the city. it was really an accident that i listened to both TODD and micah pretty much back to back (they popped up on shuffle), but is was so great. it made me really happy to know that friends of mine made these songs. then it made me sad that i don't have any Nobody's Children mp3's at all. does anyone out there have any? i wish i had the equipment to rip them from the vinyl, but i don't. i think that someone should post them somewhere. anyone?

2.) THIS is one of my all-time favorite blogs ever. i think this girl is just hilarious.

3.) tomorrow i am supposed to move into my new apartment ACROSS THE HALL from where i am now. there will of course be some photos of this historic event. i have to get proof of the most retarded apartment move EVER. i can't even believe how stupid tomorrow is going to be.

4.) i missed this week's america's next top model because i had to watch that yankees game. luckily my friend taylor recorded it and we are going to watch it right before next week's episode at her apartment. i think that the minot girl is still in it.

5.) prez debate number two tonight. i just get insanely nervous and wound up before these things start. let's hope this one goes as well as the last one.

6.) oh, um...yeah i probably should get back to work. there's books that need publishing.

7.) wait here's one more: my local newslady is SOOOOOO much hotter than your's is probably. don't be jealous....(we also have an awesome gay weatherman named Sam Champion. take that Tom Szymanski!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would suggest a trip to the ESPN Zone - you can share the best bar game in the world with all your friends. The first photo will be you sacrificing a chicken sandwich to Krom because I am not their making you look like little girl.

I would also like to see some photos of prostitutes - you asked.

11:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wowza, you're right about your news woman. What's up with Too Tall Tom's ultra diffusion filter shot? Kinda looks like they went to Glamour Shots or something. I'm surprised he doesn't have a rose in his mouth.

I think you should take your camera to Misshapes and get some pictures of Leigh.


11:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

rats. or just one rat. or RATT.

1:45 PM  
Blogger Dylan said...

Newslady=HOT! I hope Nicole is still in the game, Tony Please keep me updated. I think some pictures of interesting buildings, crazy street performers. I'll second stevies suggestion, prostitutes, pictures from up ontop of other buildings or from other buildings(the one you took from your building was pretty cool). I may think of more. I don't ask for much do I.

3:57 PM  
Blogger anthony said...

dallas that would be SOOO badass. thanks!!!

4:43 PM  

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