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Thursday, October 14, 2004


hey-zeus this week has been hectic, what with debates and yankee games (awwww yeah!) and moving and being generally stressed out. sorry for the invisibility around these parts.

anyways, i just got done with a big conversation about horror movies with a friend of mine. being that it's almost halloween and all, i am in the mood to see scary movies. and lots of them. here are some of my favorites off the top of my head:

the omen movies (i love those creepy masonic-y secret society movies), the first nightmare on elm street, children of the corn (or anything with evil kids), THE SHINING is amazing, the first texas chainsaw massacre scared me, pet sematary, oh and you have to like some scary slasher/summer camp ones....sleepaway camp is probably the creepiest.

what are some other really good ones? i want to find some new favorites.

boo haaa haaa haaaa.....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

'The Haunting' - The old b&W version is a really good ghost movie. I've probably seen it twenty one times.

'Creep Show' is good campy horror

'pumpkin head' should be to halloween what miracle on 34th is to xmas.


5:52 AM  
Blogger Dylan said...

Eide, I remember you infatuation with pumkinhead being one of your favorite movies. I'm glad to see that you haven't wavered over the years.

The Changeling is a great ghost story. If you like that one check out Legend Of Hell House. It's another good ghost story. It's one of my favorites and every Halloween I try and push it on people.

I also do a horror/sci-fi for Halloween list but this years isn't complete yet.

12:15 PM  
Blogger kari said...

duuude....let us not forget the original Halloween and the best companion piece for it, Halloween H20 -- just watch those two and pretend that Halloween Resurrection was never made.

9:53 AM  
Blogger kari said...

oh, and on the topic of freddy vs. jason: good campy fun -- and have you heard the rumor of Jason and Freddy Vs. Ash (of the Evil Dead trilogy)? ah, the possibilities....

9:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

freddy vs. jason *yawn*
i agree that the omen movies are fantastic. most recent horror movies are so disappointing, though i may just expect too much. i loved how scary movies seemed when i was young. anyhoo, here are a few -
exorcist III - a classic
the early hellraisers - just fucked up enough for you to try to pay attention to the plot...
28 days later - actually made me jump in the theater
darkness falls - more cheesy than scary, but come on! an evil tooth fairy? gives ya chills, no?
blair witch - i don't care what anyone says about it, it freaked me out the first time...
ed gein - creepy, and true


2:47 PM  

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