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Thursday, September 09, 2004

back to school

last night was the first night in a really long time that i actually did some work in my studio. earlier this year i was feeling a bit burned out after four years of balancing a full-time day job with a full-time sculpture job. going into my studio every night was starting to really annoy me and make me grumpy (it should have the opposite effect i think). to remedy this, i decided to take the summer off and try to just enjoy this city. well, i think it worked to some extent, though now i feel guilty about not having made anything for so many months.

ANYWAY, i finally made it there last night. i forgot how much of a mess i had left myself:

jesus. there is just crap everywhere.

i had started a project before i went on my sabbatical involving the casting of lots and lots of these little guys. it's pretty fun. here's a few of them:

i hope to make a big crowd of them over the next few weeks. we'll see what happens. it was good to be back in the saddle again.

one of the really great things that i love about my studio is it's view of manhattan. living in this town, you become obsessed with this. what's your view like? how's your view? do you have a view? ugh. it's a pretty ridiculous topic, but it always seems to come up in conversation. if you are going to have something outside of your windows though, the lights and buildings of this city are pretty great. also, for me it's a big reminder of how goddamn big this town is and how if you don't stay on the ball, you are going to get swallowed up by it and never be heard from again.

here's a bit of what i see:

my building is right on the creek (more like a river) between brooklyn and queens. it's also very near the east river. last night it was still all rainy and humid and gross so the clouds were really low. when that happens, the lights of the buildings illuminate them, making the skyline look like a Batman movie.

Speaking of Batman, who's excited for the new one? i am. what i have seen looks pretty good. at least it can't be any worse than the last few.

ok, time to do some book publishing....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

congratulations for getting back to work...
AND can i have one of the little men for my birthday?

11:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey buddy,
Things in the studio are looking good. My email address is

I have been picking up some cards for at a few galleries here in Santa Fe. Mike K. has three pieces in a gallery about three blocks from my apartment.

You should see all the new bracelets I have been buying.

1:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

duuude, i'm SO excited for the new batman! hurrah! and good luck on making all those little men.

8:18 PM  

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