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Tuesday, September 07, 2004

UPDATED! - up on the sun - UPDATED!

on friday, i was lucky enough to be invited out for a day in the Hamptons by my good friends adam and min. it was to be my first time to this fabled place and i was pretty excited to see what all the hubbub was about.

i was picked up at around 8 o'clock. about 5 minutes after we left my apartment, i realized that i forgot to pack two things: flip flops and sunglasses. dammit. this upset me, but knowing adam wasn't about to turn around, i let it go, resolving to buy some crappy glasses once we got out there.

here's min showing off her bikini top. adam already had his swimming trunks on. i figured there would be a place to change out on the beach. i was wrong. thus, i found myself changing into my new suit in the bathroom of a McDonald's before we ate our breakfast. it was sort of gross.

after an egg mcmuffin with cheese (no ham), we headed off to the King Kullen grocery store. min was very excited about this place. i was too, since i rarely find myself in a full-blown grocery store in brooklyn. if you saw where i shopped for my food normally, you would laugh. then you would probably gag at how nasty it is. you know what them's are though? yep, them's the breaks.

anyways, it was FREEZING in that place. just ask adam.

look at all of those colors! the selection! insane!

min got extra excited once she found the pretzel rods. i can't say i blame her. i opted for the spicy cajun pringles and an orange, which now that i think about it, i didn't even eat. crap.

oh, and remember how i needed sunglasses? check it! for only $9.99 i got to buy the most god awful pair ever. the pickin's were slim in the sunglasses department at King Kullen. these were so close to my face that every time i blinked, my eyelashes would rub against the lenses. hot.

after about two hours in the car (all to the sounds of min's specially made "beach day mix" featuring the Ramones) we made it to the beach. i was so, so, so excited since i hadn't been to the ocean in over two years. for that matter, i couldn't remember the last time that i had even floated in ANY water anywhere. it was time. time to swim. in the ocean.

or was it? once we got to the beach, the first thing we noticed was that the waves were insanely big. and by big, i mean that when you were standing on the edge of the water, the waves would be taller than you. GODDAMN YOU HURRICANE FRANCES.

here's adam and i contemplating the surf....

look at those big ass waves...i told you! (again, notice the tough-guy sunglasses!!!)

here's us testing the water. soon the shirts would come off and we would get serious and wrestle with Posiedon a bit. he mostly won. just like at the Dakota Lounge, when we go on the Posiedon's Adventure (in the form of a giant red fishbowl drink).

also, the water was so high up on the beach that there was only about 2 feet of actual dry sand. we had to put our blankets on the side of a sandy hill and lay down at these hilarious 45 degree angles. it was so stupid. we stayed out there the whole day walking, splashing, getting manhandled by waves and throwing a frisbee. i even rescued a beached jellyfish. it was fun, fun, fun.

i actually ended up swimming a bit later on at this bay where there were no waves at all. it was like lake Sakakawea, but with saltwater instead. and way farther away from Williston. i was satisfied.

after the beach, we were hungry. pringles and pretzle rods can only do so much you know. we decided to head into town. i wish i remembered what the name of it was, but i was preoccupied, we were late....

that's right, late for a pizza party! mmmmmmmm....

the pizza tasted really great during the first slice. by the last one, however, we all agreed that it was pretty sub-par stuff. min still approved though.

just to prove where we went, min grabbed this treasure of a publication.

on the walk back to the car, min and i discovered that we somehow had room for dessert. what kind you ask?

we (okay, i) look excited about something.....cake? pie? NO!!!

ice cream cones!!! i scream, you scream....

in the end, even though we didn't get to go to any parties hosted by Puff Daddy or Martha Stewart or whoever lives out there, it was a super badass day. there are already talks of going back this weekend. hooray.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

sweet. that looks like fun.. i ned to finish my coffee now..

2:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, the ocean. I haven't been yet this year, but I'm gonna I tell you what. I tell you what. And what is the ocean other than a wannabe Lake Sakakawea?


3:40 PM  
Blogger anthony said...

hey larry, congratulations on waking up 7 minutes before noon today. when did your labor day weekend start again? february? you suck. i am so jealous.

4:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, thanks for inviting me to look at your exclusive blog. Really, I need this. I love your story and am jealous that I wasn't there. Poop. I miss y'all.
*(soon to be mrs.) Alese*

6:00 PM  
Blogger Dylan said...

Ahh the ocean...I've seen that on the TV.

10:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someday tony you will own the hamptons. I really miss swimming. I walked to this reservoir not too far from my home where alot of people sail to see if there was a nice beach and if it was possible to swim there. When I got there I was reminded of garrison and the water had alien segments floating all throughout it. But there was an old man wind surfing which I thought was funny.
Also I miss market place food of minot, nd. Super size grocery stores are oasis' in the city.

7:03 AM  

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