my day-home in the sky
i am always interested in seeing the places where people work. it's good to see where all of those hours are spent. so, without further ado, i present you with my luxurious 12th floor digs...
this is where it all goes down. or not. well at least where a lot of internet browsing occurs i guess. as you can see, i am highly organized. wanna see out my windows? ok then.
this is out one of them looking east. down at street level are the rows of all of the craptastic restaurants that i eat at everyday for lunch. i have eaten at those places so many times that sometimes i don't even get hungry when lunchtime rolls around.
this is looking out the west window down at 6th avenue and 48th street. see that building there? well, that is the one and only Fox News building. it is pretty creepy to be so close to that place, especially this week with all of the protesters milling about. today is supposed to be a big day of civil disobediance throughout the city and i won't be surprised if stuff happens there at some point. rest assured, that if it does i'll be here with johnny on the spot coverage. one time i was walking back to the office carrying my soup or whatever and all of these big black suburbans came racing up to the Fox building. out popped all of these giant, intense men in suits followed by Donald Rumsfeld. it was so crazy to see that man in real life. easily one of the creepiest sightings that i have had so far.
anyways, i hear that schwarzenegger is in town today.
and how about that rudy giuliani speech last night? it's really too bad that he's a republican, he is a great speaker. also, mccain is just such a dick for supporting w. o well...

i am always interested in seeing the places where people work. it's good to see where all of those hours are spent. so, without further ado, i present you with my luxurious 12th floor digs...

this is where it all goes down. or not. well at least where a lot of internet browsing occurs i guess. as you can see, i am highly organized. wanna see out my windows? ok then.

this is out one of them looking east. down at street level are the rows of all of the craptastic restaurants that i eat at everyday for lunch. i have eaten at those places so many times that sometimes i don't even get hungry when lunchtime rolls around.

this is looking out the west window down at 6th avenue and 48th street. see that building there? well, that is the one and only Fox News building. it is pretty creepy to be so close to that place, especially this week with all of the protesters milling about. today is supposed to be a big day of civil disobediance throughout the city and i won't be surprised if stuff happens there at some point. rest assured, that if it does i'll be here with johnny on the spot coverage. one time i was walking back to the office carrying my soup or whatever and all of these big black suburbans came racing up to the Fox building. out popped all of these giant, intense men in suits followed by Donald Rumsfeld. it was so crazy to see that man in real life. easily one of the creepiest sightings that i have had so far.
anyways, i hear that schwarzenegger is in town today.
and how about that rudy giuliani speech last night? it's really too bad that he's a republican, he is a great speaker. also, mccain is just such a dick for supporting w. o well...
You've got a nice set up there tony. You know your doing well when you are in charge of stamping things. What do your stamps say? approve? decline? first class? from the desk of anthony m. kulig? I especially like that you have a radio and an eight ball at your desk. If I send you a drawing would you pin it up at your desk?
you know i will dave...
i am always looking to redecorate.
Having never set foot in New York city, I find the photos fascinating! It is such a different world that sometimes I find it hard to imagine it existing. Same goes for Eide in London. More N.Y.C. pics!
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