motherly magic and british zombies
i just got a surprise box here at the office from my mother. i am the proud new owner of this beautiful coffee cup. i love it. it is going to make every day kick ass. mom's are the best.
this weekend was a blurry one. here's the quick (actually not-so-quick) rundown:
went to my art opening at the george adams gallery, drank a lot of wine, talked to a lot of strangers and ate really stale (i mean REALLY stale) fortune cookies. then went to mario battali's restaurant 'Lupa' with my friend aaron melander from moorhead state and his work mates. dinner lasted 3 1/2 hours and was soooo damn tasty (thanks aaron!!!). then went to this bar APT in the west village and drank until closing.
went to brunch with aaron at the tasty Clinton Street Baking Company. then up to the Met to see the Andy Goldsworthy piece on the rooftop. then we walked through central park leisurely until it started to rain on us. we decided to go see a movie at that point. that movie was Shaun Of The Dead.
it was sooooooo soooooo badass. just a really funny and smart and british and then super nasty zombie movie. i can't say enough good things about it. see it as soon as you can if you get the chance. (two actors from the also beyond brilliant "the office" are in it as well).
after the film, we went to the Holiday Cocktail lounge where we were met by my friend adam, and then later by yet another moorhead stater, Ryan Jacobs (who i hadn't seen since 2000). it was great to see these fellows and chat about what we have all been up to in the last few years.
got up early-ish, bought a paper and coffee and went to McCarren park to relax in the sun. then walked around aimlessly in williamsburg for a few hours looking at galleries and other things. after a while i had coffee with my friend nancy, and walked around some more. then i met up with another friend of mine at a bar to play pool and darts and drink $2 yuenglings until it was time to meet up with adam and min to see the film 'i heart huckabees'.
we met in the city and had sushi at this place that used to be really great and now appartently just sucks. it was awful. then we went to the movie. it was ok, though i really felt like i was seeing (take your pick) magnolia, punch drunk love, or eternal sunshine of the spotless mind again. there were some funny parts though...mostly with mark walberg.
i then went home, the weekend officially over.
i am tired today.
but i do now have this really cool new mug to help me through the day.
awww yeah.

i just got a surprise box here at the office from my mother. i am the proud new owner of this beautiful coffee cup. i love it. it is going to make every day kick ass. mom's are the best.
this weekend was a blurry one. here's the quick (actually not-so-quick) rundown:
went to my art opening at the george adams gallery, drank a lot of wine, talked to a lot of strangers and ate really stale (i mean REALLY stale) fortune cookies. then went to mario battali's restaurant 'Lupa' with my friend aaron melander from moorhead state and his work mates. dinner lasted 3 1/2 hours and was soooo damn tasty (thanks aaron!!!). then went to this bar APT in the west village and drank until closing.
went to brunch with aaron at the tasty Clinton Street Baking Company. then up to the Met to see the Andy Goldsworthy piece on the rooftop. then we walked through central park leisurely until it started to rain on us. we decided to go see a movie at that point. that movie was Shaun Of The Dead.

it was sooooooo soooooo badass. just a really funny and smart and british and then super nasty zombie movie. i can't say enough good things about it. see it as soon as you can if you get the chance. (two actors from the also beyond brilliant "the office" are in it as well).
after the film, we went to the Holiday Cocktail lounge where we were met by my friend adam, and then later by yet another moorhead stater, Ryan Jacobs (who i hadn't seen since 2000). it was great to see these fellows and chat about what we have all been up to in the last few years.
got up early-ish, bought a paper and coffee and went to McCarren park to relax in the sun. then walked around aimlessly in williamsburg for a few hours looking at galleries and other things. after a while i had coffee with my friend nancy, and walked around some more. then i met up with another friend of mine at a bar to play pool and darts and drink $2 yuenglings until it was time to meet up with adam and min to see the film 'i heart huckabees'.
we met in the city and had sushi at this place that used to be really great and now appartently just sucks. it was awful. then we went to the movie. it was ok, though i really felt like i was seeing (take your pick) magnolia, punch drunk love, or eternal sunshine of the spotless mind again. there were some funny parts though...mostly with mark walberg.
i then went home, the weekend officially over.
i am tired today.
but i do now have this really cool new mug to help me through the day.
awww yeah.
The mug rules! I am very jealous that you got to see Shaun Of The Dead. It will never play here and I'll have to wait until it comes out on video to see it. I'm glad it rocked though. It would have been very disappionting to wait forever to see a film and then it sucks.
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