minot - chapter two
flying and frying
after making my flight by the skin of my teeth, i settled in for the quick hop over to minot. i think it's somewhere between 45 minutes to an hour.

soon i was descending down over the neverending farm land.

getting closer...

these sqare lakes are just outside of minot. i remember going to see them on a school field trip one year for some reason. it's some sort of water treatment operation i think.

grain elevators!
as i was landing, i took a movie and held my little ipod earpiece up to the microphone of the camera. i looked like a total nerd, but hey, instant soundtrack. you can see it over in the Vimeo section if you want.
i was greeted at the airport by my dad's side of the family. after hugs and welcomes, they quickly whisked me away to a bbq at my uncle's house.

here's my uncle walter.
just prior to this photo, i watched him squirt about a gallon of lighter fluid onto the coals. i started taking photos thinking that i was about to witness a backyard mushroom cloud.

in the end, wally knew what he was doing. soon we had a nice roaring fire on which to roast some pork chops (i think. i had fish instead).

here's my dad waiting for his brother to finish grilling.
oh, right below him is my sister's brand new puppy. this thing is soooo goddamn cute. we hung out a lot over my vacation.

after dinner, my jetlag started to kick in a bit.
instead of napping, however, i was quickly roused for a typically vicious game of Sequence!
for the record, my team was beaten.
revenge will be sweet come christmas time...
flying and frying
after making my flight by the skin of my teeth, i settled in for the quick hop over to minot. i think it's somewhere between 45 minutes to an hour.

soon i was descending down over the neverending farm land.

getting closer...

these sqare lakes are just outside of minot. i remember going to see them on a school field trip one year for some reason. it's some sort of water treatment operation i think.

grain elevators!
as i was landing, i took a movie and held my little ipod earpiece up to the microphone of the camera. i looked like a total nerd, but hey, instant soundtrack. you can see it over in the Vimeo section if you want.
i was greeted at the airport by my dad's side of the family. after hugs and welcomes, they quickly whisked me away to a bbq at my uncle's house.

here's my uncle walter.
just prior to this photo, i watched him squirt about a gallon of lighter fluid onto the coals. i started taking photos thinking that i was about to witness a backyard mushroom cloud.

in the end, wally knew what he was doing. soon we had a nice roaring fire on which to roast some pork chops (i think. i had fish instead).

here's my dad waiting for his brother to finish grilling.
oh, right below him is my sister's brand new puppy. this thing is soooo goddamn cute. we hung out a lot over my vacation.

after dinner, my jetlag started to kick in a bit.
instead of napping, however, i was quickly roused for a typically vicious game of Sequence!
for the record, my team was beaten.
revenge will be sweet come christmas time...
my puppy is so cute isn't he!
Love ya
What kind of camera do you have? Those pictures are awesome!
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