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Wednesday, August 31, 2005


"anyway, Luca loves kindergarten... so far and already
has two best friends four stars by her name. When she gets five stars
she gets to pick something out of the treasure chest and there are
rings in there and she needs a new ring, because hers in broken, and
there are lots of things to tell... and they were saying potty words on
the playground so she told miss Rosen that the kids we saying potty
words and that she did too. they were saying "I'm going to suck your
blood" and suck your nose and suck your ear and she said only suck your
blood and didn't like too say it but she did. She only said that once
and also "suck your nose" but then she said she didn't want to say it
anymore. and she didn't pick chocolate milk at lunch time because it
isn't healthy. So I bought her a soda for dinner."

this was part of an email sent to me today by a good friend who was sharing pictures of his daughter's first day of kindergarten. it reminded me of the first time that i consciously swore:

i was in second grade and we were in the middle of a game of dodgeball. as we were lined up against the brick wall of the warming house of our outdoor hockey rink (in north dakota every public school pretty much has both a hockey AND figure skating rink for use in the winter time), my friend jake decided that he was going to swear. i decided that maybe it was time for me to make that leap as well. so, in between dodging those red rubber balls that were pinging off of the wall only inches from our heads, and after a few rounds of, "well, i don't know...should we? YOU do it first!", it happened. the most forced "shit!" ever was uttered. then it was said a few more times, just to work on different variations...

on the guilt-wracked walk back to class after gym was over, i remember thinking that it was painfully obvious that i was going straight to Hell and that mom and dad were going to be so mad about that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those are both adorable stories. If I remember correctly, my first cursing experience was at age 7-ish. My best friend lived next door and her big sister had let us watch some Richard Pryor thing. Afterward we sat on her swingset constructing our own curses and feeling like we were baaaaad girls.

9:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I called my sister a queef (sp?!) when i was in the fourth grade.

1:06 PM  
Blogger Dylan said...

Not only did we swear, Josh Smith & I sold porn to kids at longfellow when we were 4th & 5th graders. A buck each. The porn was given to us so our overhead was really low. Pure profit! Then we split the money and bought garbage pail kids, baseball cards & candy. I remember getting many a belly ache from eating sooo much candy. When thinking back it strikes me funny that we didn't pay attention to the porn, we were only in it for the cards & candy!

7:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's with the people from your area? Not paying attention to porn? Questions are being raised...

9:30 AM  

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