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Tuesday, September 06, 2005

ultimate beach weekend

so labor day weekend 2005 was a complete success.

i went to the beach friday, saturday AND sunday with adam and min.

the weather was perfect and we swam a LOT. we also played catch with a frisbee and then with a tennis ball while we swam.

one day there were so many jellyfish in the water though and it was creepy. it didn't stop us from swimming, however.

my total beach day count for this year stands at 7!

yesterday (monday), i didn't go to the beach. instead, i took myself out for breakfast and then out to the movies. i went to see 'Junebug' and then snuck into 'Grizzly Man'. both films were good, but Junebug was amazing. i loved it.

oh, now i get to leave the office at 5:00.



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