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Tuesday, September 20, 2005

minot - chapter one
now entering the upper midwest

on september 10, 2005, i went on a trip back to minot.

here is what part of minneapolis looks like from the air.

i had a four hour layover here.

normally that would be an awful thing, but luckily for me, my great friends aaron and lisa came and picked me up from the airport.

we had two destinations:

the first:


most of you know about my love of hash browns. here is my first plate of them in a long time. this is called "The Jose" and you can get it at Al's Diner in Dinkytown. as a bonus, after you eat there, you will smell like food until your next shower.

it's the best.

after eating a gigantic breakfast like this, a person really needs some exercise.

this leads us on to phase two of the layover:


yep. your eyes are not deceiving you.

aaron had the brilliant idea to drive out into St. Paul so we could hit balls. it was a lot of fun.

after getting all sweaty batting for an hour or so, we left for the airport.

on the way, however, we decided that we wanted some ice cream.

we came across this place and it looked perfect. aaron got the biggest cone ever and i got a smaller coffee flavored.

when we got back into the car, i looked at the time and realized that i had about a half hour until my plane LEFT. and we were no where near the airport.

it was at this time that i began to freak out.

lisa did a good job of driving, but once i got to the point where i had only 15 minutes left, i knew i wasn't going to make this plane. i felt SO stupid for stopping for ice cream.

we eventually arrived at the airport, and i lept out of the car yelling goodbye's and thank you's at frazzled aaron and lisa with about 5 minutes to go until take off. by some miracle, there were only two people in line for the security checkpoint so i made it through pretty quickly even though i had to take my shoes off.

after that, it was a serious o.j. simpson-style sprint to my gate.

somehow, i made it onto my plane with two minutes to spare. i couldn't believe it.

as i sat down into my seat, i felt like i had cheated the universe. there was just no way i should have made that plane. it was awesome.

so thanks again, arron and lisa. and next time, no matter what, no ice cream!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

next time - NO ICECREAM FOR YOU!

10:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That man licking the cone looks so wrong!

5:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That hurts.

12:07 AM  

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