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Thursday, September 22, 2005

minot - chapter three
the first full day

we got up early the next day (sunday?) to go over to my sister's house that she and her husband just moved in to. or, i should say, are still working on moving in to.

i got a ride with my newly licensed "little" brother connor.

here is his vehicle.

my first car was a Mitsubishi Tredia. it burned oil like mad. his is a lot nicer.

here's my sister's house.

this was my first time seeing it and i couldn't believe this place. it is awesome. and HUGE. and i am so so very jealous. so. very. jealous.

it looks like a house out of the O.C. except that it's in minot and, as far as i know, mischa barton isn't passed out in the backyard somewhere.

breakfast is served: caramel rolls, deer sausage, eggs and fruit.

i believe that this was the first family meal in this house.

afterwards, we all ventured out into the (giant) backyard to play some leisurely games.

first was croquet.

then came bocce ball. you are looking at the current bocce champions.

after all of this hard work, there was only one place to go:

yep. Dairy Queen. this was my first of the trip.

i started things off with a large root beer freeze, but it proved to be maybe too much even for me. it was mediums from then on...

one of the great things about going back home is that you get to choose what's for dinner quite a lot.

this night i went with the delectable Sammy's Pizza.

(pictured here with pretty much the whole Johnson side of the family)

i usually eat here twice during every vacation because it is so badass.

the amount of pizza that i ate on this night was obscene.

but delicious.


Blogger Dylan said...

Anthony I love the story of your Minot excursion. You spin a good yarn!

4:24 PM  
Blogger anthony said...

thanks Dyl!

don't worry, (or worry) your part is coming up soon. you might even warrant an entire chapter!


4:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of my most favorite university days was after I had sold a few of my well worn college books at the end of the semester I walked into Sammy's Pizza $23 richer at about 3pm well before rush hour. I sat in the back 'circus' area which was now completely empty in full control of the television watching cable tv and eating a large pizza.

4:45 PM  
Blogger anthony said...

few things were more disheartening than buying books at the beginning of a semester for hundreds of dollars and then getting $23 back for them after the semester was over.

especially since the bookstore would then re-sell the same books to some poor suck immediately afterwards...

5:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anthony you didn't say much about the crouquet game. Didn't you win? Oh wait, i forgot, i did! nice game though.

1:32 AM  

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