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Monday, April 25, 2005

foggy mountain breakdown

ok, it's monday. i watched more television and movies this weekend than i have since high school probably.
here's a list of what i can remember watching:

eternal sunshine of the spotless mind (1 1/2 times)
stoked:the rise and fall of gator
yankees games
military channel
wonder showzen
empire strikes back
the contender (2 episodes)
mayor of the sunset strip

and on and on....

anyways, today my mind is fuzzy and my body feels like it just woke up from a long coma.

this post will probably reflect that.

anyways, here's some photos of some things from last week...

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the weather was amazing for most of the week. i spent as much time as i could up on the roof of that apartment having drinks and looking at the city. i don't have roof access at my apartment, so this was very nice. rooftops here are like backyards in regular cities. i really miss having a backyard.

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last wednesday (i think) i took jamila to watch the knicks play their last game of the season. it was a great game not only because the knicks came from behind and won, but because we drank budweisers out of straws.

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on friday, i came home to my pretend home after work to watch cable tv. i lucked out.

predator was on!

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god bless you carl weathers.

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later that night, jamila came over to watch the yankees game on the giant tv. she had the awesome idea of ordering indian food.

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the food was awesome, but we ordered waay too much of it.

also, the yankees got their asses kicked.

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apparently, that combination was too much for some people to handle.


oh, and before i forget...

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my friend elliot jackson told me to watch this show.

and holy shit. it's my newest favorite show ever. it's on mtv2 on friday nights at 9:30 and it's totally INSANE.

don't be a fool. watch it!


Blogger Dylan said...

I like this show a whole bunch. it's an information overload! Beat Kids! is hilarious! I also gave this show an honorable mention on the Filter.
"I like glitter...and PORNO!"

2:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW!!!! that television is insane. How many turner satelites does it use to run it? Arnold looks pretty intense on a 57" screen. chicken tikki masala and the contender, that would be my perfect date with tony kulig in the mansion house. What?!?! Well, I am pathetically addicted to the contender so what... lets just cuddle.

4:38 PM  
Blogger anthony said...

that tv was so big that i cried myself to sleep every night.

now that i am not there any more, i am back to my 12" and boy, does that feel pathetic in comparison.

dave! do they really get the contender there!? you know how i love sylvester and boxing. the only thing is that every time (except for the last episode), the guy that i root for gets his ass beat down. plus they need to show more of the boxing and less of the crowd...but now i'm just being picky.

now if you could only get wonder showzen eide! dylan's right, it's completely mind blowing. see if you can find it on the internet somewhere. (and then send me a copy)

time for the greenpoint ymca y'all. i need to get in shape like our friend scott wolf.

5:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's been the same for me too tony. Every guy I root for gets his ass kicked. I missed the last episode. They play here on friday nights. I always laugh when they show the celebs that have come out of the woodwork to watch the fights. Mr. T, Tony Danza, David kerodene, That one guy who always played a detective.

9:38 AM  

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