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Monday, April 18, 2005

body count stands at zero

three days of taking care of the wild kingdom and so far, so good. i have been enjoying feeding the little frogs the most. you feed them fruit flies that, through the truly weird world of science, have been bred so that they can't actually fly. they still have wings though. it's a tad creepy.

tonight i am going to play video games on the giant tv until i can't see straight any more. it should be tremendous.

i'll do this even though today is probably the nicest day of the year so far. it's about 76 and sunny. it appears that i need a girlfriend or something.

ok, i am going outside to read some more kavalier and clay now.

bye.'s an unreleased apple commercial starring that cute, but totally stoned girl:

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and here's the original one.


Blogger kari said...

i kind of want to slap that stoned expression off of her face.

11:08 PM  

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