season opener (mega video edition)
so yesterday i come to work and my boss walks up to me and asks if i want to have the afternoon off to go see the Mets' home opener at 1 from his $1400 seats.
guess what my answer was?
soon my friend eric and i were riding the 7 train out to Shea stadium.

here's eric talking to lou reed. he does lou's computer work and every time they talk in front of me, it totally freaks me out. eric's always going over to his house to fix whatever problems that he has. so weird.

the nice thing about the 7 train is that once you get into queens, it goes above ground and into the sunshine. ahhh....nothing beats an afternoon sunny train ride when you should really be at work.
so the seats. i was curious exactly where tickets that cost $700 a piece would get us. when we got to the stadium, the usher led us down to our them. when we finally stopped, we were in the fifth row. only four people were between us and the field!

see??? i haven't ever been anywhere near this close except for maybe at t-ball games when i was a kid.

we were there early enough so that we could watch them warm up a bit. it was funny to see mike piazza and carlos beltran doing funny looking stretches thirty feet from you.
then it was time for the mets to be introduced. click HERE for a movie of that.
click HERE for some video of the national anthem, followed by some truly lackluster fireworks. i guess seeing as how it was 1:00 in the afternoon, we shouldn't have been expecting much.

it was a great game though. oh, they were playing the houston astros. the mets were losing by 1 for most of the game, but then ended up coming back towards the end.
click HERE to see some real, live baseball action. woo hee.

the final score ended up 8-4 in favor of the hometown team. it was a super kick-ass afternoon. the whole game we were talking about how it felt like we were in ferris bueller's day off. it was that kind of feeling.
unfortunately, i wasn't with the lovely Sloane (played by the love of my young life, mia sara).
oh well...eric made for a good Cameron at least.
my commute this morning sucked.
the train that i take was all messed up and we all waited FOREVER on the platform. everyone was tired and grumpy of course. when at last a train arrived, everyone jammed into it like it was the last train on earth.
it was good to finally be moving. but we all quickly realized that it was bad to be trapped inside of a PACKED subway car with a crazy guy screaming and preaching about the end of days. at first, everyone just sort of rolled their eyes and sighed at the annoyance, but then people started just screaming at him. it was nuts.
my arms were pinned to my sides from the crowd, but i finally was able to film a few seconds of the tail end of the scene. the 'preacher' is the black guy in the navy sweatshirt just over the left shoulder of the tall asian guy.
click HERE to enjoy.
so yesterday i come to work and my boss walks up to me and asks if i want to have the afternoon off to go see the Mets' home opener at 1 from his $1400 seats.
guess what my answer was?
soon my friend eric and i were riding the 7 train out to Shea stadium.

here's eric talking to lou reed. he does lou's computer work and every time they talk in front of me, it totally freaks me out. eric's always going over to his house to fix whatever problems that he has. so weird.

the nice thing about the 7 train is that once you get into queens, it goes above ground and into the sunshine. ahhh....nothing beats an afternoon sunny train ride when you should really be at work.
so the seats. i was curious exactly where tickets that cost $700 a piece would get us. when we got to the stadium, the usher led us down to our them. when we finally stopped, we were in the fifth row. only four people were between us and the field!

see??? i haven't ever been anywhere near this close except for maybe at t-ball games when i was a kid.

we were there early enough so that we could watch them warm up a bit. it was funny to see mike piazza and carlos beltran doing funny looking stretches thirty feet from you.
then it was time for the mets to be introduced. click HERE for a movie of that.
click HERE for some video of the national anthem, followed by some truly lackluster fireworks. i guess seeing as how it was 1:00 in the afternoon, we shouldn't have been expecting much.

it was a great game though. oh, they were playing the houston astros. the mets were losing by 1 for most of the game, but then ended up coming back towards the end.
click HERE to see some real, live baseball action. woo hee.

the final score ended up 8-4 in favor of the hometown team. it was a super kick-ass afternoon. the whole game we were talking about how it felt like we were in ferris bueller's day off. it was that kind of feeling.
unfortunately, i wasn't with the lovely Sloane (played by the love of my young life, mia sara).
oh well...eric made for a good Cameron at least.
my commute this morning sucked.
the train that i take was all messed up and we all waited FOREVER on the platform. everyone was tired and grumpy of course. when at last a train arrived, everyone jammed into it like it was the last train on earth.
it was good to finally be moving. but we all quickly realized that it was bad to be trapped inside of a PACKED subway car with a crazy guy screaming and preaching about the end of days. at first, everyone just sort of rolled their eyes and sighed at the annoyance, but then people started just screaming at him. it was nuts.
my arms were pinned to my sides from the crowd, but i finally was able to film a few seconds of the tail end of the scene. the 'preacher' is the black guy in the navy sweatshirt just over the left shoulder of the tall asian guy.
click HERE to enjoy.
photos of people talking on the phone to famous people resemble remarkably photos of people talking on phone to telemarketers.
Anonymous people posting to blogs look remarkably like other anonymous people posting to blogs.
ha ha...
that's a good point anonymous. (the 2nd one i mean)
Hey Tony! Looked like you had fun, can I come with you next time?
your lil sis
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