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Monday, December 13, 2004

christmas past and present

so, here's another old one. actually, it's only from last year but since i can't stop thinking about playing hockey next week, here you go:

next wednesday is round two. this year my "little" brother is taller than me. plus he plays hockey about 320 days out of the year. i have to find a way to embarrass him.

also, last week was my office christmas party. as usual, it was a night full of free booze and food and strange conversations with co-workers. it's always fun though.

i dropped my camera while dancing and it smashed open and batteries went flying everywhere. somehow though i was able to snap it back together and all seems to be well. maybe that was a christmas miracle.

last night i finally saw the Pixies. it was the second show of their NINE show run at the Hammerstein Ballroom here. they rocked. it was fun but strange to see them. and i am getting really sick of nyc crowds who don't ever dance or jump around or even touch each other at shows. are we that jaded?



ok, it's lunch time and i am starving. more later...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

how DARE you. i danced.

3:12 PM  
Blogger anthony said...

you know what i mean kc. your dancing skills are exceptional.

3:27 PM  
Blogger Dylan said...

Sounds to me like you should've attended an orgy instead of a rock concert. There's pleanty of sweaty people at orgy's all touchin' each other and stuff. Maybe you could live an Eye's wide shut secret lifestyle. That'd be interesting. Perhaps you are already.

6:58 PM  
Blogger anthony said...

perhaps i live that life indeed my friend, perhaps.

you'll find out next week.

uh oh!

11:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you dressed in the very outfit you went to buy in previous blog entry? We do want to know!


2:06 PM  
Blogger anthony said...

no, i didn't buy a new outfit, dime. (dime?) i couldn't find anything i liked. o well. i went instead with the very non-christmas-y grey. damn. i'll make up for it in minot.

5:29 PM  

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