christmas in minot, new year's in new york
ok, the final chapter of 2005...
during the process of removing my handsome beard, i decided that i wanted to have a moustache. well at least for a couple of days.
here's what i learned about a man who wears a moustache:
that man commands respect!
(he also ellicits laughter at himself whenever he passes by a mirror)
during the last night said moustache, there was an impromtu gathering of old friends at my house.
it was a pretty fun, yet strange night (i'm looking in your direction sheldon...). the best surprise was having steve klein in attendance!
please note the respect that i am commanding.
next year i hope to host an official holiday party again since the calendar didn't allow it this time around. please start considering your outfits now
the next morning, i went out for breakfast with my ma at the delicious Homesteaders restaurant.

i was delighted to have my first hash browns of the trip.
god damn. hash browns are so good.
later that night, we all went to my sister's Bump 'n' Tilt basement again.

david did his best to top my high score in Galaga...

...while my sister and matt tried out the new pinball game.
so. much. fun.
oh, i think that i forgot to mention this, but much like it still is now, the weather during this entire trip was so crazy. it was 40 degrees. in north dakota. in december.
this meant that for the first time in my entire life, i did NOT have a white christmas. it was really, really strange and had a big effect on my overall christmas spirit.
thankfully, a couple of days after the 25th, it finally did snow.

see how much better everything looks?
Christmastown U.S.A.!

here is my ma and i on our way to lunch.

my brother connor ended up getting this crazy sandwich that has chicken strips, bacon, french fries, cheese and mozzarella sticks on it.
later that night, we all found ourselves at a bar.

at a bar, playing foosball.

my sister is a natural at this game. it was a sight to behold.

she's also quite proficient in the arena of lightsaber battles.
my maniac friend dylan somehow had three (3!!!) of these ultra-realistic and mega-expensive things at his house.
the funny thing is just how easy it is to find yourself in a pretty fierce star wars style duel after a night of drinking.

it was shortly after this picture that my lovely, darling sister savagely stabbed me right in the throat.
and thus ended the night's fun.
the next afternoon was new year's eve. i was heading back home to brooklyn on the afternoon flight.
i would land in new york at 10:30pm, leaving just enough time to find my way to the big new year's party by midnight.

my departing party. david, you are a true gentleman for seeing me off.
it ended up that my flight left minot a half hour late.
since my layover in minneapolis was only going to be 45 minutes, this left me only 15 minutes to get from one side of that huge airport to the other before my connecting flight left.
once we landed, i sprinted as best as i could while carrying all of my bags and presents and things.
i made it to my gate with one minute to spare. i was exhausted but relieved.
that is, until i saw that the flight to new york was going to take off 45 minutes late.
ugh. that would get me in at 11:15pm. i would be cutting it very close.
after watching more precious minutes slip away while we boarded, taxied around the runway, and then finally took off, i began to realize that i wasn't going to make it anywhere that fun for the countdown.
the plane finally landed at 11:20pm. as i waited for my luggage to come out onto the conveyor belt, i was calling my pals to see where they were so i could try to get to them in time. during one of these calls, my phone slipped out of my hands and smashed against the floor. the display was totally cracked and unreadable.
now i couldn't even tell who i was calling anymore.
i ended up getting my luggge to the taxi queue at 11:50. there were about 150 people in line in front of me.
i was screwed.
everyone in line was pretty bummed out about the whole situation. even so, at midnight we all yelled 'Happy New Year!' anyways. it ended up being kind of awesome.

12:00am. 01/01/2006.
by the time i made it to my pals, it was 12:30 and they were at the royal oak.

as you can see by the glasses on the table, i had a lot of catching up to do.

i have no idea who that dancing fellow is, but he was pretty funny.
it ended up being a pretty good night afterall (as far as new year's go anyway...).
the next day, vince and i dropped in on adam and min and we ended up watching woody allen's awesome, amazing, brilliant film 'Manhattan'.
so, despite the broken phone and airport drama, the year started off well. here's hoping that we all have an astounding and productive 2006.
ok, the final chapter of 2005...
during the process of removing my handsome beard, i decided that i wanted to have a moustache. well at least for a couple of days.
here's what i learned about a man who wears a moustache:
that man commands respect!
(he also ellicits laughter at himself whenever he passes by a mirror)
during the last night said moustache, there was an impromtu gathering of old friends at my house.
it was a pretty fun, yet strange night (i'm looking in your direction sheldon...). the best surprise was having steve klein in attendance!

please note the respect that i am commanding.
next year i hope to host an official holiday party again since the calendar didn't allow it this time around. please start considering your outfits now
the next morning, i went out for breakfast with my ma at the delicious Homesteaders restaurant.

i was delighted to have my first hash browns of the trip.
god damn. hash browns are so good.
later that night, we all went to my sister's Bump 'n' Tilt basement again.

david did his best to top my high score in Galaga...

...while my sister and matt tried out the new pinball game.
so. much. fun.
oh, i think that i forgot to mention this, but much like it still is now, the weather during this entire trip was so crazy. it was 40 degrees. in north dakota. in december.
this meant that for the first time in my entire life, i did NOT have a white christmas. it was really, really strange and had a big effect on my overall christmas spirit.
thankfully, a couple of days after the 25th, it finally did snow.

see how much better everything looks?
Christmastown U.S.A.!

here is my ma and i on our way to lunch.

my brother connor ended up getting this crazy sandwich that has chicken strips, bacon, french fries, cheese and mozzarella sticks on it.
later that night, we all found ourselves at a bar.

at a bar, playing foosball.

my sister is a natural at this game. it was a sight to behold.

she's also quite proficient in the arena of lightsaber battles.
my maniac friend dylan somehow had three (3!!!) of these ultra-realistic and mega-expensive things at his house.
the funny thing is just how easy it is to find yourself in a pretty fierce star wars style duel after a night of drinking.

it was shortly after this picture that my lovely, darling sister savagely stabbed me right in the throat.
and thus ended the night's fun.
the next afternoon was new year's eve. i was heading back home to brooklyn on the afternoon flight.
i would land in new york at 10:30pm, leaving just enough time to find my way to the big new year's party by midnight.

my departing party. david, you are a true gentleman for seeing me off.
it ended up that my flight left minot a half hour late.
since my layover in minneapolis was only going to be 45 minutes, this left me only 15 minutes to get from one side of that huge airport to the other before my connecting flight left.
once we landed, i sprinted as best as i could while carrying all of my bags and presents and things.
i made it to my gate with one minute to spare. i was exhausted but relieved.
that is, until i saw that the flight to new york was going to take off 45 minutes late.
ugh. that would get me in at 11:15pm. i would be cutting it very close.
after watching more precious minutes slip away while we boarded, taxied around the runway, and then finally took off, i began to realize that i wasn't going to make it anywhere that fun for the countdown.
the plane finally landed at 11:20pm. as i waited for my luggage to come out onto the conveyor belt, i was calling my pals to see where they were so i could try to get to them in time. during one of these calls, my phone slipped out of my hands and smashed against the floor. the display was totally cracked and unreadable.
now i couldn't even tell who i was calling anymore.
i ended up getting my luggge to the taxi queue at 11:50. there were about 150 people in line in front of me.
i was screwed.
everyone in line was pretty bummed out about the whole situation. even so, at midnight we all yelled 'Happy New Year!' anyways. it ended up being kind of awesome.

12:00am. 01/01/2006.
by the time i made it to my pals, it was 12:30 and they were at the royal oak.

as you can see by the glasses on the table, i had a lot of catching up to do.

i have no idea who that dancing fellow is, but he was pretty funny.
it ended up being a pretty good night afterall (as far as new year's go anyway...).
the next day, vince and i dropped in on adam and min and we ended up watching woody allen's awesome, amazing, brilliant film 'Manhattan'.
so, despite the broken phone and airport drama, the year started off well. here's hoping that we all have an astounding and productive 2006.
"manhattan" is a great film. and woody allen movies are a fine new year's day choice. mine this year was "annie hall."
missed you tony... i was able to see a handsome larry and steve c. though so all was not lost.
I guess the rumors are true. Tony's mom IS a total babe!
mike! sorry i missed you too. this was one strange christmas season.
at least the carlsons were there in force for you. ahh, carlsons...
jay: yes, she is!
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