
Tuesday, July 05, 2005

it's a celebration, bitches...

this episode stars ms. jamila as she is the best fourth of july companion ever.

the day got an early start because i had this crazy dream about these super, super fast cockroaches that were taking over the world and the only way to defeat them was by lighting them on fire with a can of hairspray and a lighter. it was bananas and totally freaked me out.

i woke up at 6:27am.

then i did a super deep clean of my apartment, focusing on my bedroom. luckily, there were no sightings of these super-roaches (or any roaches for that matter).

now i live in a spotless palace.

ok, so the weather this weekend was so perfect. in the 80's and sunny and great.

the 4th was no exception.

jamila called me up and told me to meet her in park slope where she had big things planned for the day. i ended up getting out there around 2:30ish and we walked (forever) to meet her friend daniel so we could get some mexican food. more importantly, we could get a giant pitcher of margaritas.

after that, daniel made some spiked lemonade that we took to Prospect Park and drank while we played frisbee and some sort of paddle ball game. the park was full of people doing the same. the fourth of july makes everyone happy.

soon it was time to head to our next destination: Rooftop Films. jamila's got an in with one of the main fellows of this operation so she brought us along to the top of this parking garage in downtown brooklyn.

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this is her buying a new metrocard.

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and this is her taking a rest while waiting for the train to come. (notice the lemonade in hand)

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and here is what she brought along to snack on while watching the movies/fireworks/band.

what did i bring to eat?
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i actually stopped into mcdonald's first, but then remembered that i made a promise to myself to never ever ever have another fish o'fillet from there ever again. i was happy about my sandwich choice in the end. mmmmmm....subs on the roof.

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oh yeah, the mountain goats played before the fireworks and films. i had only ever heard a handful of his songs, but it was good to see.

then all of the sudden it was dark outside.

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i wish i could provide you with some kick-ass awesome photos of the fireworks that Macy's provided, but this rooftop was pretty far away from them. so instead of posting the craptastic shots that i got, i'll just say that they seemed lovely.

after the fireworks, the films began. the first thing that they showed was this ridiculous video . it was funny to see it on the big screen.

then there were some more, but i can't really remember what they were because my mind was clouded by margaritas/lemonade/beer.

it was fun though. there were a ton of people there too.

but then jamila disappeared...
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...and it was time to go home.

luckily for me, i ran into these girls that i know from my neighborhood and they offered me a ride home. thank you nell and sarah! if i had taken the subway, it would have taken a thousand years to get back to greenpoint.

plus, riding in cars is FUN!

once i hit my bed, i was out almost instantly. when i woke up this morning, i was pleasantly surprised to find my room clean as a whistle (and no super-roaches either).

i hope everyone else had a lovely holiday!


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