Friday, January 21, 2005

hum dee dumm dumm dumm...

well, i am about ready to cut out for the weekend and i don't have anything new to report.

we are supposed to get a snowstorm starting tomorrow to go along with our cold-ass weather.
the weather guys here always hype the shit out of anything that remotely could be a storm, so i'll be surprised if we get more than a couple of inches.

have i talked about my most favorite weather guy here before? well, hands down it's sam champion.

what? that's right. SAM CHAMPION.
what a name this guy has.

he works the desk on the same newscast as my favorite super-hot newscastress, the formidable Liz Cho.

just in case you missed it last time, here's some more evidence for your perusal.

but back to sam champion. i just thought about how incredible it would be if he battled the troubled but gigantic Tom Szymanksi for the Ultimate Weatherman Competition.

sam would have the quickness and better hair (and tan), but the szy would have the size advantage as well as a mighty tolerance to cocaine. (or so i hear)

ok, enough of that.
have a lovely weekend.

and bundle up, it's cold out there.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Liz Cho - meeeeeeooowww
she is a looker.
We've got Lara Lewington here
as our meterologist. She always
brightens up an overwise cloudy day.
But she is no Liz Cho.

7:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I sill miss Too Tall Tom announcing the "high for tomorrow in Climax, MN will be the Big Donut." The snow here was good - the Met Museum closed early so I was able to get out of work and head home to get my drink on. Not as cold as the night of your opening last January at the George Adams gallery - brrrr.
---Nathan Wold

3:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sam Champion is a bit "fruity", no?

1:59 PM  

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