Thursday, February 23, 2006

i am still alive

here's a partial list of some stuff that i've done since last we met:
-saw the film Cache. eh...
-saw wolfmother at the mercury lounge. they were awesome.
-played a boxing video game and ate pizza at adam and min's house. i am the champ.
-went to bed at ten o'clock pm. twice.
-collected 7 of 8 of my building's garbage cans that had blown to the four corners of Greenpoint after a particularly windy day.
-ordered a couch for my living room. it's brown.
-listened to the demo of the new Guns 'n' Roses album. some of it totally rocks. some of it is awful. that seems about right though.
-saw the film Match Point. Scarlett is beautiful. London is beautiful. Jonathan Rhys Meyers is super creepy looking.
-listened/still listening to about 100 old episodes of theRicky Gervais Show that my generous friend and former blogger Scott W. sent me.
-played a whole lot of world class foosball.


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