my lovely transit strike commute

well, it happened.
we are in day two of the Great Transit Strike Of 2005. there are no buses or subways running in new york right now.
for some reason, i woke up at 3am on tuesday morning at the exact time that the head of the TWU (transport workers union) came on television to announce that the strike was beginning.
i was pretty excited, mostly because i had already decided that if they did strike, i was going to take the day off from work.
so i did.
yesterday was spent hanging out with my friend nancy eating lasagna, baking cookies and watching movies. it was all quite lovely.
afterwards, i came home and watched the news...

for the most part, i understand why the union is striking and i can't really blame them. the MTA (who manages the public transport in nyc and who the union works for) seems to be run by some crazy fools.
as of right now, it looks like the strike might go on for a few more days.
this morning, however, i needed to come into the office to wrap things up before i head home to minot tomorrow.
i can't wait to watch how it all unfolds while laying on my parents' warm couch in front of the fireplace while drinking baileys and coffee.
i decided that the best way for me to try and get to Rockefeller Center from greenpoint (in brooklyn) would be to ride my bike.

seeing as how it was 24 degrees outside this morning, i did a pretty fierce job of bundling up (long johns included) before heading outside.
then it was off towards queens and the 59th street bridge...

there were tons of people walking and riding over it as well.
after coming down the bridge and into manhattan, i weaved my way through some pretty bad traffic towards 49th street.

the police had closed fifth avenue entirely. it was fun to ride down the middle of it and not have to worry about cars and buses.
here's a clip of my home stretch (featuring the rockefeller christmas tree):
in all, the total ride took about 30 minutes.
that's pretty much the same amount of time that it normally takes me when riding the subway.

now i just have to figure out how to carry all of my christmas presents home after work...

well, it happened.
we are in day two of the Great Transit Strike Of 2005. there are no buses or subways running in new york right now.
for some reason, i woke up at 3am on tuesday morning at the exact time that the head of the TWU (transport workers union) came on television to announce that the strike was beginning.
i was pretty excited, mostly because i had already decided that if they did strike, i was going to take the day off from work.
so i did.
yesterday was spent hanging out with my friend nancy eating lasagna, baking cookies and watching movies. it was all quite lovely.
afterwards, i came home and watched the news...

for the most part, i understand why the union is striking and i can't really blame them. the MTA (who manages the public transport in nyc and who the union works for) seems to be run by some crazy fools.
as of right now, it looks like the strike might go on for a few more days.
this morning, however, i needed to come into the office to wrap things up before i head home to minot tomorrow.
i can't wait to watch how it all unfolds while laying on my parents' warm couch in front of the fireplace while drinking baileys and coffee.
i decided that the best way for me to try and get to Rockefeller Center from greenpoint (in brooklyn) would be to ride my bike.

seeing as how it was 24 degrees outside this morning, i did a pretty fierce job of bundling up (long johns included) before heading outside.
then it was off towards queens and the 59th street bridge...

there were tons of people walking and riding over it as well.
after coming down the bridge and into manhattan, i weaved my way through some pretty bad traffic towards 49th street.

the police had closed fifth avenue entirely. it was fun to ride down the middle of it and not have to worry about cars and buses.
here's a clip of my home stretch (featuring the rockefeller christmas tree):
in all, the total ride took about 30 minutes.
that's pretty much the same amount of time that it normally takes me when riding the subway.

now i just have to figure out how to carry all of my christmas presents home after work...