thanks be to fourfour

i found this gem after i stumbled upon what might be the greatest, most thorough America's Next Top Model recap site in the history of the internet.
you can find it here.
a warning though, it's pretty epic.

i found this gem after i stumbled upon what might be the greatest, most thorough America's Next Top Model recap site in the history of the internet.
you can find it here.
a warning though, it's pretty epic.
What's this about Ricky Martin and golden showers? Living La Vida Amarillo.
i don't know, but man is it ever hilarious (and gross).
for those left wondering, go here:
you should stop that movie you have looping on your site of tyra saying lisa's name! its too mesmerizing! I sat for over two hours just staring at tyra's face contortions. shoot.
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