miscellany abounds

* not too long ago, i went to see "Shopgirl" at the movies. i really liked it a lot. i've read some bad reviews of it on different sites, etc., but i thought it was a very sweet (and sad) film. and there's nothing wrong with that. even jason schwartzman was good in it, and he usually drives me nuts.
LA is such a strange, semi-depressing, sprawling town.
* even more recently, i went to see "The Squid And The Whale". hmm... i don't really know what i thought about this one. i suppose that it was good in a few ways, but i had a hard time liking most of the characters:
the dad: a pretentious writer always acting more sophisticated than he probably is. even though there were moments where i really felt for him, someone should have told him that there are lots of ways to show people that you are smart without being a prick.
the older son: a mini version of his pops. (plus, he kept playing that same pink floyd song over and over again on guitar)
the younger son: he was my favorite part of the movie i guess. great at swearing. not so great at drinking.
the mom: she wasn't so bad, but still...
* parts of Laurie Anderson's "O Superman" are just incredible.
* i am getting soooo annoyed with politics these days. on both sides. people are way, way, way too reactionary. they behave like the audience on the Jerry Springer show sometimes.
* The Minutemen were called The Reactionaries at first.
* sometime last week, i went to see Jon Brion play at a club here. it was really something. people that live in Los Angeles should go watch him since he plays there pretty much every friday. i wasn't a big fan of his singing voice at first, but i warmed up to it. plus, watching someone play every instrument really, really well was fascinating.
i'm so mad at my parents for not making me take piano lessons.
you can watch a mostly terribly looking, but okay sounding video that i took here.
* i downloaded a little over half of John Peel's favorite 142 records the other day, and have been enjoying them quite a lot. but we all knew that he had good taste, so...
* i am working on a secret project.

* not too long ago, i went to see "Shopgirl" at the movies. i really liked it a lot. i've read some bad reviews of it on different sites, etc., but i thought it was a very sweet (and sad) film. and there's nothing wrong with that. even jason schwartzman was good in it, and he usually drives me nuts.
LA is such a strange, semi-depressing, sprawling town.
* even more recently, i went to see "The Squid And The Whale". hmm... i don't really know what i thought about this one. i suppose that it was good in a few ways, but i had a hard time liking most of the characters:
the dad: a pretentious writer always acting more sophisticated than he probably is. even though there were moments where i really felt for him, someone should have told him that there are lots of ways to show people that you are smart without being a prick.
the older son: a mini version of his pops. (plus, he kept playing that same pink floyd song over and over again on guitar)
the younger son: he was my favorite part of the movie i guess. great at swearing. not so great at drinking.
the mom: she wasn't so bad, but still...
* parts of Laurie Anderson's "O Superman" are just incredible.
* i am getting soooo annoyed with politics these days. on both sides. people are way, way, way too reactionary. they behave like the audience on the Jerry Springer show sometimes.
* The Minutemen were called The Reactionaries at first.
* sometime last week, i went to see Jon Brion play at a club here. it was really something. people that live in Los Angeles should go watch him since he plays there pretty much every friday. i wasn't a big fan of his singing voice at first, but i warmed up to it. plus, watching someone play every instrument really, really well was fascinating.
i'm so mad at my parents for not making me take piano lessons.
you can watch a mostly terribly looking, but okay sounding video that i took here.
* i downloaded a little over half of John Peel's favorite 142 records the other day, and have been enjoying them quite a lot. but we all knew that he had good taste, so...
* i am working on a secret project.